how much could minor shoplifting add to the economy if:

  • it was only targeting businesses that ship their profits offshore and/or avoid paying local taxes;
  • the shoplifted items were items that were going to be purchased; and
  • monetary savings redistributed to local businesses?
  • @idiomaddict
    51 month ago

    I mean, in an ideal world, lots of things wouldn’t exist, but we don’t live in an ideal world and there are hungry people in every country, even those with robust food support systems. I live in Germany, where there is a lot of aid for those who are hungry and, whether it’s due to untreated mental health issues (including addiction) or something else, there are plenty of hungry people.

    • Shimitar
      31 month ago

      True as well.

      My ex girlfriend mother had to steal from supermarkets when her husband ran away and left her and the daughter stranded.

      So there are always corner cases.

      Does that justify stealing? No, but when no harm is done and was a necessity, I don’t think its wrong to do. You need to survive after all, it’s a failure of society not your fault.