• @Valmond
    17 hours ago

    Crazy 5 weeks is like the pinnacle of existence…

    • oce 🐆
      18 hours ago

      An average full time office worker in France would get 7 weeks, more at big companies that want to attract talents with better benefits. I had a job with 11 weeks. I used them all.

      • @gusgalarnyk
        615 hours ago

        This is the best. People need to hear this more. 6 weeks is feasible and done today in some countries. Even then, we can afford to do more.

        When people phrase it like this I think they help others understand it isn’t a wish it’s a reality in parts of the world and therefore it can be a reality in theirs. It also tells people that 6 isn’t the target, more is the target. We shouldn’t be striving for infinite stock prices we should be striving for infinite time off. Automation, freedom, self-sufficiency.

        32 hour work week, 8 weeks of vacation, more money, more healthcare, more public transit. We can afford it all. Tax the rich, break up monopolies, unionize, and build bridges and ladders - make a better community!