Safety? Overdone? Looks stupid?

What are some moves that you feel need to be used less (or not at all)?

German/Belly to Belly suplexes

Neck injuries and so much can go wrong once the wrestler is released. I remember reading someone saying they won’t take Germans anymore and if you look back through history neck injuries started becoming more prevalent along with German suplexes. Same logic for Belly to Belly.

Spinning backhand/elbows

Looking at you Jericho and Kingston These look horrible and always will. Jericho has a plethora of moves and Kingston using any old school japanese finisher would work with his character.

The dive over the ropes and onto 10 guys that fall apart like bowling pins. It’s unbelievable but it’s not horrible, just way overdone IMHO.

  • katy ✨
    2 years ago

    I’m mostly just squeamish but I always cover my eyes when they do the jump, balance on the rope, and jump off or the go through the middle rope move mostly because I get so worried for them.

    I know they train for it but my anxious ass can’t help it! blobcat, scarecry

    Edit: Don’t even get me started with Komander. I love him but that boy is gonna give me several panic attacks! :3