lol maybe, VCR’s are a bitch to service though. It probably would have been cheaper to replace it. I have no basis for that, just guessing. Feel free to call me out.
I went to a well funded school in New England, this was period correct even as late as 2013. For VHS especially these carts were still in use, but starting in maybe 2007/2008 some teachers would use their computer + VGA projector setup for DVDs. Especially since there weren’t enough carts to go around
The TV is not period correct. Source: 2000’s kid
Edit: Neither is the VCR, it looks mid-late '80s
So it’s period correct for an underfunded middle school in the 00s
lol maybe, VCR’s are a bitch to service though. It probably would have been cheaper to replace it. I have no basis for that, just guessing. Feel free to call me out.
Oh for sure, doesn’t stop schools from trying
Source: 2000s kid that regularly had to watch stuff on these in the 2010s
It’s funny, I have an old JVC VCR from about that time that I want to get serviced. Maybe some time if there’s anyone left alive who knows how.
My daughter was born in 2010 and she has experienced the TV/VCR combo on wheels multiple times.
Your school was well funded.
I went to a well funded school in New England, this was period correct even as late as 2013. For VHS especially these carts were still in use, but starting in maybe 2007/2008 some teachers would use their computer + VGA projector setup for DVDs. Especially since there weren’t enough carts to go around