• @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    You know how Kim Jong Un starts making all sorts of nuclear threats and ignoring treaties every time he needs aid or just wants attention, just so he can extract concessions and ignore the new treaty next time he wants attention? That’s what Trump is doing now.

    And North Korea doesn’t look great so I guess we’d have to quibble over what you mean by working. If you only mean working to stroke Trump’s ego, then sure. If you mean it as in getting anything meaningful then no I still have to say it’s not working.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      11 month ago

      It does “work” for North Korea, to a degree. Does it accomplish anything meaningful outside of stroking Kim’s ego? No. But it “works” in that Un is able to keep the cycle of issuing threats and making demands, getting concessions in the form of food aid or some token publicity stunt or whatever in exchange for halting nuclear activities, then reneging on those promises the next time they need food aid or want attention going.

      What it accomplishes is a matter of debate. But it does “work” in the fact that it accomplishes the goal of giving “Dear Leader” an ego boost and having something to show to the rubes so he can brag about how big his dick is. And that’s all the incentive he needs to keep playing.

      You know how a toddler learns that if he pulls a big enough temper tantrum, eventually mommy will give him the attention and the shiny toy he wants? Other countries need to learn the same lesson that mommy eventually learns: Ignore the toddler and let him thrash about in his playpen until he tires himself out and eventually he’ll learn that his behavior won’t get him what he wants. People still haven’t learned this, unfortunately, when it comes to Trump.