• southsamurai
    26 days ago

    I haven’t looked at the link yet because it’s more fun this way.

    But that title is just common fucking sense. Of course people will, on average, pick something that’s okay tasting, but cheaper. Duh. It has to be a lot worse than “okay” before that math stops working.

    Edit: this is why it’s fun to comment before reading. Just from the title, it was possible to guess right. It isn’t always like that, but it’s fun to see whether or not it works lol.

    Basically, when something tastes better, if the prices are close enough, people pick what tastes better to them. So the price for an alternative pick has to be enough cheaper to make the decision flip away from the better tasting product. That’s the over simplified version of what the article is saying.

    Which holds up to lived experience. It doesn’t even have to be meat vs plant based. It can be place vs plant. If someone is all drooling over a black bean burger, you have to be selling your chickpea burger a shit ton cheaper to get them to buy that instead.

    Also, black bean burgers are pretty damn yummy. Not as yummy as beef, but yummier than turkey burgers. And way better than chickpea burgers.