• @Nightwingdragon
    181 month ago

    So just to make sure I understand this.

    They are seriously talking about deporting US Citizens to El Salvador where they can be stripped of all human rights and be literally warehoused in cells of 80+ people to a cell where they all share two toilets that aren’t even guaranteed to work most of the time. Not that I should be surprised. I mean they’ve already hand-waived the 14th amendment away as being unenforceable, along with the emoluments clause. The Tennessee GOP has just made it a felony to vote against their policies. Trump has essentially eliminated freedom of the press with the chilling effect his threats and lawsuits against ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. have had. Privacy is no longer a recognized right. Might as well throw out the 8th amendment to the Constitution as well.

    And that doesn’t even take into consideration that Trump would now be able to say “I can have you deported to El Salvador”. To a US citizen. Stand in Trump’s way and he can literally have you brought up on trumped up (no pun intended) criminal charges and shipped off to El Salvador. That’s not just a “What…the…fuck…” moment. That is so far beyond “What the fuck” that I can’t even see “What the fuck” in a rear view mirror. That is wrong in ways that I literally cannot put together the words needed to describe. That is literally antithetical to everything this country was founded on.

    The idea that a UNITED STATES FUCKING CITIZEN being deported would even be considered by a sitting President should be (and probably would have been even in the most partisan pre-Trump administration) grounds for immediate impeachment and removal. That this is even being considered without the other two branches calling for Trump’s ouster at record speed shows that we truly are marching gleefully towards a dictatorship.

    The idea of a United States Citizen being deported under any circumstances should be considered offensive to every single citizen of this country, regardless of your position on immigration.