At the end of the day, Canada is many things. But above all else, we’re a bunch of grudge holding motherfuckers. You’ve taken your shot at us, so now we won’t rest until we get you back.

  • @But_my_mom_says_im_cool
    111 month ago

    Canada is all nice and polite and sweet, unless you’re First Nations native, in which case get the fuck in this residential school and learn to be a Christian you savage!

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Kill the Savage, save the Man.

      Absolutely disgusting, and the repercussions are still being felt. The last federally funded residential school closed in 1997. And systemic racism means anyone of FN heritage is often relegated in the public mind to being drunks, drug addicts and leeches on society. But point to any group of people ripped from their family, raped and abused, had their language and culture beaten out of them, for 200 years…and see if they have no difficulty “integrating with society” no drug or alcohol abuse issues, no self hatred.