• @[email protected]
    31 month ago

    That’s like saying that industrialists in Germany who gave money to the Nazi party, went to Nazi party conferences were they gave Nazi salutes and were nominated by the Nazis to positions in the Nazi Government were not Nazis.

    If he hangs around with them, gets invited to talk at their conferences, gives them money and even gets given an important position by them, then he’s one of them even if he’s not a Nazi Party card carrying member (which, technically, none of the modern Nazis is since the National Socialist Party of the German Worker doesn’t exist anymore).

    The really hilarious bit was using his greed as justification for him not being a Nazi, as if the leaders of far right political movements weren’t themselves invariably driven by either Greed or Hate to be there. Do you really think Trump does what he does out of love for the Cause???!

    • @HexadecimalSky
      11 month ago

      For example who is worse, the Americans who fall for the fear mongering or the people who are fear mongering for power? One are ignorant or willfully ignorant, commonly racist. Other know they are taking advantage of people, know they are shoveling bull but in 100% clarity of mind, are okay with it.

    • @HexadecimalSky
      11 month ago

      The point of it is, he is not even doing this for something he believes in. He may not or may not think the nazis are right but would openly serve, support and curry favour with them to serve his greed. Knowing full well he consigns people to death or worse, for greed. He is spineless and greedy.

      He would join any group no matter how vile and that is arguably worse then believeing in twisted ideologies.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        The point is that most top Nazis joined the Nazi Party not because they believed the ideology but because they expected they would gain from it.

        In fact a lot of the “common people” who supported them did so because they expected they would gain from it.

        Just about in every Rightwing movement out there (and, sadly, quite a lot of the Leftwing movements) if you exclude people who support it because they believe that they’ll personally be better of with it, only a small percentage of people are left.

        This is even more so for major political parties were the power (and hence personal upside maximization possibilities) that high level members and supporters can obtain from their participation is huge, so it’s even less likely to find unselfish true believers at the top levels of such political parties because they attract so many who just “support” the ideology as a means to an end.

        I mean, the motivations of the people at the top are so disconnected from the stated ideology that the National Socialist Party of the German Worker was in fact anti-Socialist and didn’t do much for the German Worker, and the Democrat party has a primary system with Super Voters whose votes count way more than individual party member’s.

        All this to say that the only thing that makes sense in defining one as a supporter or not of a certain kind of ideology is if they support or not the same goals as the ideology and support or not the spreading of the ideology, quite independently of their motivations.

        • @HexadecimalSky
          11 month ago

          yes, and so musk is not a nazi because he said anything, not because he did a nazi salute, not because he belives in their cause, but he funds them, and will overlook abhorrence for his greed. Not even a spine to have twisted beliefs, just greed.