BTW, I just got a thought. With RFK’s past (not talking about the brain parasite and his paranoid delusions in the last 10-15 years) and, ahem, manner of speech, is it possible he just has well-masked Aspergers himself?
That would explain the part about “vaccines causing autism”, because, say, my dad was terribly afraid of psychiatrists and had a weird idea that one can “get” autism, and, as you might guess, he was kinda clearly undiagnosed autistic. Or maybe diagnosed and hiding it.
So - RFK is of the older generation where the stigma was stronger. Maybe part of his conspiracy theories is from denial of his own condition. He definitely does seem like a person with strange facial dynamic.
BTW, I just got a thought. With RFK’s past (not talking about the brain parasite and his paranoid delusions in the last 10-15 years) and, ahem, manner of speech, is it possible he just has well-masked Aspergers himself?
That would explain the part about “vaccines causing autism”, because, say, my dad was terribly afraid of psychiatrists and had a weird idea that one can “get” autism, and, as you might guess, he was kinda clearly undiagnosed autistic. Or maybe diagnosed and hiding it.
So - RFK is of the older generation where the stigma was stronger. Maybe part of his conspiracy theories is from denial of his own condition. He definitely does seem like a person with strange facial dynamic.
Nah, dude just has had literal brain worms from eating roadkill that wasn’t cooked enough.
I specifically said - before brain worms.