Come one come all to the Lemmy-verse! It’s nice and cozy here, we do have some “bad parts of town” but you can do an instance block and not deal with them lol

For your memes we have [email protected] if you like sciency posts has some excellent communities (communities=subreddits) like [email protected] and [email protected] and for a meme science combo theres always the fantastic [email protected]

You can also drop a shit(post) off at [email protected] or hang out at [email protected] (though you do have to post before you leave that one!)

There’s much more around as well!

Obligatory, fuck Spez

  • @cm0002OP
    1 month ago

    FYI for anyone who comes across, this here is an example of a “.ml Tankie Alt” who may also just be a “UniversalMonk” alt account.

    This “caring too much” they speak of is an inability to accept any valid and factual criticism of the CCP or Russia.

    They also defiantly refuse to believe the Xi/Winnie the Pooh meme started in China, despite well documented evidence.

    The tankies often call for “unification of the left” but it is deception, they are not left because they will support authoritarian ideals in lockstep.


    • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝M
      291 month ago

      Try to avoid making unfounded allegations about other users - here we raise a wry eyebrow to dramas elsewhere in the Fediverse, not start them.

    • @[email protected]
      -91 month ago

      FYI for anyone that comes across, this here is an example of a conservative capitalist supporter who spends hours a day posting about imaginary tankies that fucked his wife or whatever weird shit pops into their head.

      Individuals like this use the word tankie in the same way liberals use the word Nazi or conservatives use the word commie or how maga use the word dei or how toddlers use the word icky. It means whatever they want it to mean at the time, in most cases just being anything unpleasant to their delicate sensibilities.

      Anyone using the term tankie on a left wing site is deeply unserious and solely exists to sow division and troll.

      • Farid
        171 month ago

        You literally called Ukrainians Nazis a couple hours ago.

        • @surph_ninja
          -71 month ago

          The Ukrainians call themselves Nazis. They also name their streets after famous Nazis.

          When someone covers themselves in Nazi symbols, and calls themself a Nazi, why won’t you believe them?

          • Farid
            51 month ago

            Half my family is Ukrainians. From Odessa, which is famous for being full of Jews. I lived in Ukraine for 5 years right before the invasion. Literally not a single Nazi in sight or any rhetoric. Wtf are you on about? If somebody convinced you of whatever you said, you’ve been duped.

        • @[email protected]
          -81 month ago

          The people with swastikas on their chest are Nazis if anyone is. Joe billy Bob the chicken farmer that has a mutual aid network but voted for Trump because Dems have never paid attention to him is not a Nazi.

          It’s disingenuous to pretend there’s not a difference.

          • Farid
            131 month ago

            It is also disingenuous to label Ukrainians as Nazis, just because a couple of them are. Just like there are in every other country, be it Russia or USA.

            • @surph_ninja
              -71 month ago

              Except in Ukraine the Nazis hold power, because the US installed a far-right puppet regime that refuses to hold elections. Now they’re spending millions erecting monuments of famous Nazis.

              • Farid
                21 month ago

                I’m not saying Zelenskyy is an angel, but the constitution literally forbids elections during war. Pick a better reason to criticize the government, there are plenty real ones.

                • @surph_ninja
                  -71 month ago

                  You believe constitutionally enshrining authoritarianism to be an adequate defense of it?

                  Did the constitution also make him ban all opposition parties and media?

                  • Farid
                    11 month ago

                    He didn’t enshrine anything, it was already in the constitution before he was elected.

                    Regarding suppression of opposition, good, now you’re bringing up more reasonable criticisms. But guess what? That doesn’t make him or Ukrainians in general Nazis. There’s a lot of authoritarian stuff still leftover after Soviet era, it takes time to move away from it.

                    And guess what, Zelenskyy, with all his issues, was a definite step up from the president before him (at least until the war happened, anyway). And the one before him was a definite step up from his predecessor.
                    You know who doesn’t have that luxury? Russia and Belarus. Maybe criticize them for authoritarianism, instead of a country that at least is making progress.

            • @[email protected]
              -161 month ago

              Given their history it’s like Germans with Nazi tattoos. Yeah a few might exist, but if the government starts actively recruiting them you might paint with a wider brush.

              Never again means never again, and God damn did Ukrainians love the Nazis in WWII.

              • Farid
                101 month ago

                Saying that the government is “actively recruiting” them is also disingenuous, because it makes it sound like Nazis were specifically desired and chosen, as opposed to some recruits just turned out to be vaguely Nazis. Battalions of vaguely Nazi dudes exist in Russia, yet nobody is trying to denazify Russians.

                And if you mean that the initial not so negative reaction of Ukrainians, hopeful that the Germans would free them from Russian oppression makes them Nazis, then, again, you’re being disingenuous. In the end Ukrainians had the most casualties fighting the war against Nazis. Nobody is currently calling Finns Nazis, even though they didn’t oppose them for similar reasons (getting back at Russia for oppression).

                • @[email protected]
                  -111 month ago

                  My dude ukes killed more Jews than nearly any other group from Eastern Europe. They weren’t cautiously optimistic, they actively volunteered and aided Nazis. This isn’t even controversial history.

                  • @[email protected]
                    51 month ago

                    why did they do it? why did they support the nazis and not the ussr? also you’re full of bs, only because my great grandpa was a nazi doesn’t mean I’m one and nazis are everywhere not just in ukraine, you simply hate ukrainians because daddy putin and xi tell you to

      • toomanypancakes
        111 month ago

        With how many open nazis are running about now maybe not the best example for that one.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 month ago

          True but most people tend to understand that or the dei example the most. It’s still effective to show the point.

      • @cm0002OP
        1 month ago

        “there is no censorship in Beijing…”

          • @cm0002OP
            31 month ago


            Censorship in China

            The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses extensive censorship. For instance, the Chinese government has censored topics regarding the Cultural Revolution and CCP Chairman Mao Zedong, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, human rights in Tibet, persecution of Uyghurs, and Taiwan independence.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              The first screenshot is about voting rights, little one.

              At least you’re admitting you’re wrong there and you admit China isn’t a evil despotic dictatorship.

              • @[email protected]
                151 month ago

                Lmfao you think China is an open socialist democracy! God there are some proper nutcases on this site

                • Frank Casa
                  71 month ago

                  China suffers from the same problem the USSR did. When you have one party rule, it does not matter how democratic the constitution says a country is. If you can only elect people from one party, and the party determines who can run for office, voters can only select from a list of candidates that are aligned with the party and its leader. This effectively transfers power to the party leaders and away from elected officials and the people.

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                How much do you think you’re helping yourself by calling others “little one”? that’s the most passive agressive thing I’ve read all week, and I’m on the internet a lot

      • Optional
        -21 month ago

        Individuals like this use the word tankie in the same way liberals use the word Nazi or conservatives use the word commie or how maga use the word dei or how toddlers use the word icky. It means whatever they want it to mean at the time

        No. I mean, I disagree, but the weirdest thing is the use of liberal as a pejorative on a “left wing site”.

        All my adult life I’ve been disliked by my local chuds, cunts, dickheads, fuckwits, and bastards for being liberal. Now the “lefties” dislike me for it too.

        It’s weird; I like all the same stuff, push for the same social change as ever but now “libs” like me are the scum of the earth because . . . *checks notes* . . Ah. Yes because the Likud are genocidal evil bastards. Which. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Yeah I dunno. Somehow that means we should let trump win.

        It’s fucked up bullshit. And it used to be mostly from the “Tankie triad”. But even after they got mostly blocked, the more industrious of them come from “regular” instances now.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Liberals were never left wing, equality nor equity can happen under capitalism. The rainbow capitalism liberals advocate for only extends as far as their use to the liberal hierarchy. See: trans and undocumented people getting thrown away by the Harris admin as soon as they no longer saw any bumps in polls for supporting them.

          The problem you’re having is you live in a place with such a far right Overton window that the thought of even a tenuous equality amongst the under class is a progressive idea. It’s not. But it’s an easy tool to divide the underclass, and even acceptance of ‘controversial’ humans is used to divide the underclass.

          Liberal was a good thing to be in the early 1700s, when it was the only alternative to divine right feudalism; but we’ve evolved since then. We don’t have to settle for capital based feudalism, which is all liberalism amounts to.

          Tl;Dr liberal infighting caused you to think liberalism and conservatism is different ideologies, and you’re using the conservative definition of liberal to define yourself and getting mad.

          • Optional
            41 month ago

            Liberals were never left wing We don’t have to settle for capital based feudalism, which is all liberalism amounts to. Tl;Dr liberal infighting caused you to think liberalism and conservatism is different ideologies, and you’re using the conservative definition of liberal to define yourself and getting mad.

            I mean, I can’t disagree more in terms of my lived experience. You’re surely taking a polisci graduate-level view of these terms and that’s probably exactly what the books say, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that the freedom, liberty, and justice we had in real life, any social progress at all in the last fifty years was due to liberal efforts, which included those who supposedly despise liberals now.

            Liberal and conservative ideologies ARE different. If you want to be an faux-academic absolutist and pretend helping trump win is some kind of socialist or anti-capitalist win, you’re crazy.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Liberal means different things depending on context, country, etc.
          Over here in France (although not as common a term as in the US) it is commonly associated with economic liberalism, ie part of right-wing ideology (small government, fewer taxes, etc).
          In the US, it’s more of a synonym of social liberalism, and is associated with left-wing ideology, progressivism.