Canadians are feeling an undeniable sense of betrayal after Trump declared a trade war against America’s northern neighbor and longtime ally. Trump keeps threatening Canada’s sovereignty and and vowing to put sweeping 25% tariffs on Canadian products, though Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday afternoon the tariffs will be postponed by at least 30 days after he promised more cooperation on the border.

In Canada, discussion and disapproval are everywhere. Canadian hockey fans have even been booing the American national anthem at recent National Hockey League games. Addressing the nation this past weekend, Trudeau channeled the betrayal that many Canadians are feeling, reminding Americans that Canadian troops fought alongside them in Afghanistan and helped respond to myriad crises from wildfires in California to Hurricane Katrina. “We were always there standing with you, grieving with you, the American people,” he said.

The Canadian jitters, some worry, could go beyond the moment. “The damage is going to be long-lasting,” said Robert Bothwell, a professor of Canadian history and international relations at the University of Toronto. “The Americans won’t be trusted anymore. The 51st state stuff is just contemptuous. It treats Canada like we don’t even exist.”


  • Majorllama
    -1331 month ago

    America likes Canada.

    Canada needs America.

    The unfortunate reality is that America has allowed Canada to exist because they work with us on most things and it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. Y’all sorta keep an eye on our northern border and we protect you from basically all threats merely by existing nearby you.

    Yeah if we had to completely stop getting stuff from Canada that would suck, but we would be fine.

    If we stopped trading with you Canada’s economy would take decades to fix.

    Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Or in this case don’t try and enter into a trade war with the nation that basically funds your existence.

      • @GrymEdm
        1 month ago

        I agree with all you said. I just wanted to say as a Canadian that I still like a lot of Americans. I hate your political parties and many of the decisions they have made in my 44 years, but a lot of Americans do as well. Your country is being fucking savaged by your new leaders right now and I have no clue what the future holds. I do hope that our two nations can resume a relationship that has been one of the best/most productive in history once you folks have figured out how to deal with your presidents Musk and Trump.

      • Majorllama
        -641 month ago

        Please point to anything I said in that comment that was incorrect. You can attack my character all you want but go ahead and discredit the words I said. We’re any of those things I said incorrect?

        • @[email protected]
          441 month ago

          Just about all of it. America doesn’t “let” Canada do anything. Go read a fucking history book.

        • Pup Biru
          1 month ago

          america has everything… and yes i do mean everything… that you have because the world (actually; the imperial core let’s go with that) allows america to have it because you’re relatively nice, you don’t force too much onto us that we don’t want, and you’re predictable

          trump has just fucked all of that good will… this isn’t about canada: this is about you and the orange piss baby thinking that america is anything without us

          you’re just not… your country is a fucking dumpster fire mate… health care, garbage… prison population, highest in the world… education, garbage… satisfaction with your govt, garbage… average happiness of your population, garbage…

          so get the fuck over yourself because you are nothing without the world

          YOU need the global community

          the global community liked america

          • Majorllama
            -401 month ago

            Damn. For a country that apparently is just an absolute dumpster fire of garbage we sure do seem to have the highest immigration rates of anywhere on the planet.

            So either all those people from all over the world who want to be in America are all stupid or you are wrong about America … Hmmmm I wonder which one it is.

            • @Brainsploosh
              301 month ago

              You don’t have the highest immigration rates, and sometimes not even in absolute numbers.

              The US has about 50 million total immigrants, or about 14 % of the population, that’s behind both Germany (19 %) and Saudi Arabia (89 %).

              Considering why most of those people are fleeing their homes, the US might want to sit this argument out…

            • Cruxifux
              101 month ago

              Also the lowest standard of living in the first world lol

              You’re country is a fucking joke.

            • @GaMEChld
              81 month ago

              Immigration from where? You’d need to compare the metrics he’s was talking about to the countries the immigrants are fleeing to really have a point there. As long as the conditions are better in the US than where the immigrants are coming from they’ll do that.

              Are we seeing a lot of immigration from countries with good healthcare and education?

              • Majorllama
                -101 month ago

                Well yeah. Obviously people are only going to want to immigrate to somewhere better. Why the fuck would anyone wanna move into a shittier house? That would be like me moving to Canada. It just wouldn’t make any sense.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              Even if that were true (other comments show it isnt) that doesn’t actually mean America is better lol just trading on propaganda and past good images.

        • chingadera
          1 month ago

          60 people at least have pointed to your comment as a whole already, and 20 more did it to this one.

          There are times that we make an ass out of ourselves and those times suck. This is one of those times, for you.

          Take it on the chin and learn from it, don’t triple down like a twat.

    • @[email protected]
      511 month ago

      I’m pretty sure Canada exists because in two wars the Americans couldn’t take and hold it.

      I think you’ll find that Canadians are good friends and fierce enemies. We’d rather go without and rebuild our economy from scratch than lose our sovereignty and country.

      I don’t think Canada needs you as much as you think, I think that got really clear this weekend when the entire country organized quickly and Trump backed off.

      • Majorllama
        -561 month ago

        Must be nice living in that alternate reality you’ve fabricated in your mind.

        America lost 0 wars to Canada (not that any of that matters for this current conversation about the world of 2025). There was a stalemate, but if you wanna count that as a win for Canada you go right ahead man.

        I do think Canada could survive if they went cold turkey on American goods and services. It would SUCK for y’all for a while, but I think you could do it. You would probably spend a ton of money and time expanding your exporting capabilities to go more global, but why bother when you can sell to your neighbors with way less effort and overhead?

        All you gotta do is keep a better eye on the border. Doesn’t seem like a crazy request given the large upsides for your country.

        • @[email protected]
          241 month ago

          but why bother when you can sell to your neighbors with way less effort and overhead?

          That’s generally my point as well. Except this time Trump’s been going on for over a month saying he should annex us and then doing bullshit like trying to make this trade impossible.

          Also three days ago Trump said there was nothing canada could do. He’s a terrible business partner not worth appeasing.

          • Majorllama
            -251 month ago

            Oh I don’t disagree. Trump is a fucking moron and it probably would have been in your best interest to ignore him entirely, but you didn’t so here we are.

      • Majorllama
        -671 month ago

        Lmao is that what you think just happened?

        Trump told y’all to watch your shit or he would make you regret it. You called his bluff only to find out he wasn’t kidding. The second you did find out he wasn’t kidding you folded instantly.

        I do not understand how y’all think Canada came out on top of that little trade fiasco at all lol

        • @[email protected]
          481 month ago

          Canada and Mexico folded by “making” deals with him that were already announced months ago? Who’s the chump in that situation?

          • Majorllama
            -421 month ago

            Both Canada and Mexico expanded on those previous deals which is all he wanted.

            Canada didn’t even try and negotiate anything else. Pathetic.

            At least Claudia Sheinbaum had the balls to ask Trump to do something about the guns the cartel is managing to get out of America. I respect her not only doing what Trump asked but not just backing down immediately and making sure Mexico could also benefit from the stupid interaction. She’s fantastic.

            • @[email protected]
              191 month ago

              Both Canada and Mexico expanded on those previous deals which is all he wanted.

              Expansion? Of what?

              EVERYTHING ‘WON’ WAS ALREADY A DEAL WITH BIDEN, and this was explained. You may need to read it again with an eye toward comprehension. This isn’t a skill Americans are excelling at, but I have faith in your adequacy.

              The only thing missing from Justin’s response was a plan to shut off the power and oil pending Mr Trump’s decision - like a strike - and that shows charity that many wouldn’t.

        • @[email protected]
          201 month ago

          That is, in fact, what just happened. We called his bluff and you all fucked off. And now you’re blustering because your weak ass country and leader looks like a joke and you hate it.

        • chingadera
          71 month ago

          No one came out on top from this tiny dink measuring contest aside from Trump himself because he has idiots like you that love drinking the Kool aid because at least then you’re part of something, no matter how fucking horrible and morally bankrupt that something is, you’re part of it and I guess that’s a plus somehow.

          • Majorllama
            -71 month ago

            Trump has negative dick. There’s actually a black hole where he would have a dick. It’s just expanding and swallowing the whole world into it.

            Unfortunately we all gotta be there when it happens I guess lol

    • @faltryka
      401 month ago

      Kansas checking in here just to say fuck you buddy. Go fuck off to some other country where alliances and brotherhood dating back generations don’t mean shit if that’s how you feel.

      I’ve worked for a Canadian company in the US, and they were great for our local economy. I work at a big US org now (multi industry including petrochemicals) alongside many Canadians again contributing to the US economy.

      Frankly, they have been a more reliable and trustworthy partner than the likes of you who would so instantly harm your brother who had done you only service. I hope you go find some other fucking country to taint with your America harming agenda. I’ll stand with the Canadians and the real American patriots who believe in many of the good things that the US has stood for, while also recognizing we can all always be better.

    • @GrymEdm
      1 month ago

      Oh yeah buddy, big win for Trump there. This picture from this post is applicable:

      Canada gave up nothing, we just reiterated our commitment to the exact same promises already made before Trump was even in power. The only thing this pointless, unnecessary chest-thumping accomplished was the world found out how quickly the USA betrays even it’s closest ally. Trump traded in a lot of international goodwill in order to “win” something already agreed to before his presidency so he could brag about it to credulous people like you.

        • poo
          241 month ago

          Removed by mod

          • Majorllama
            -301 month ago

            I’m not your buddy, pal.

        • FiveMacs
          191 month ago

          Actual sources, not just your useless gestures.

          You do realize, that if Canada isn’t an ally to America, neither is Mexico, all of Europe and so forth…america is literally isolating themselves to be liked by the same countries that love russia, north Korea… Ain’t nobody wanna be allies with some Nazi prick who’s attacking everyone after decades of friendly history.

          Don’t even bother replying, I don’t care what you have to say. Your blabber is useless

          • Majorllama
            -261 month ago

            It’s cute that you think other nations would side with Canada in the unlikely situation there we are no longer allies.

            I’m sure some would side with Canada, but I think you would find it pretty lonely in that little group.

            We could invade Canada with the fuckin national guard if we wanted. Y’all have like 3 tanks and a bunch of moose. Hell we could probably have Montana do it on their own.

              • Majorllama
                -111 month ago
                1. I don’t like bars. They are too loud for actual conversation, the drinks are overpriced and I typically don’t enjoy the company of women that go to bars frequently. I have also never harassed any women I don’t know. I have jokingly harassed women who already know me, but I doubt that’s what you’re talking about there.

                2. Never owned a truck. Never “rolled coal” in my life.

                3. I get along with basically any group of people you introduce me to as long as it isn’t a bunch of extremist nutjobs such as yourself. I was able to get along with every clique in highschool/college and I have only had one coworker in my entire life that I didn’t get along with.

                You are making a lot of assumptions about me and literally none of them have been correct.

    • @Anamnesis
      151 month ago

      Whatever happened to being a good neighbor? Canada is not hurting the US. There’s no reason to hit them with tariffs in the first place. Having power does not automatically mean using it at everyone else’s expense is right.

      • Majorllama
        -311 month ago

        And I completely agree with that last statement.

        Except Canada hasn’t exactly been the best neighbor for awhile. They got a dilapidated fence with holes in it and we asked them nicely to fix it. They said no. So we asked less nicely.

        We did try the nice way first.

        • @[email protected]
          141 month ago

          Lmao cause of less than 1% of fentanyl? The guns that come across the border into Canada are a much bigger problem and you don’t see canada throwing a sissy fit like orange manchild