Brings up my favorite theory. If ghosts exist, surely their is a few caveman ghosts floating about. Probably haunting a mall or a place utterly foreign and confusing to his primitive mind. Only ended up there because thousands of years ago that is where his yurt was.
Anyhow would make for an awesome retro horror movie plot. Call it “Ooga BOO-ga”.
Brings up my favorite theory. If ghosts exist, surely their is a few caveman ghosts floating about. Probably haunting a mall or a place utterly foreign and confusing to his primitive mind. Only ended up there because thousands of years ago that is where his yurt was.
Anyhow would make for an awesome retro horror movie plot. Call it “Ooga BOO-ga”.
This is part of the plot of Ghosts (UK) and it is very funny. I believe the US version has a Viking instead of a caveman. Both are good.
Thanks, gonna add that to my watch list.