• @Im_old
    61 month ago

    Yes, I tried it around 2002/2003, back when the recommended way was from stage1. I think I had a P4 with HT. It was noticeably faster than redhat or mandrake (yes, I was distro hopping a lot). Emerge gnome-mono was a night run. Openoffice about 24hrs.

    Lots of wasted time but I did learn how to setup some things manually.

    • @gi1242
      21 month ago

      once there was a bug with dependencies of transcode and some other package (mplayer I think). it would ask to downgrade one and upgrade the other. then several hours of compiling later it would agree to upgrade both. then several more hours of compiling later it would again want to downgrade one again

      I think there was a groove worn in my hard drive from this

      • @Im_old
        11 month ago

        Oh yeah, I remember those. My solution was to not emerge anything for 24 hours, by the next day usually they fixed the issue.

    • @gi1242
      11 month ago

      so even after 24h compiling ur not done! u need to dispatch-config through so many config files…