• Optional
    21 month ago

    *scrawls “Brawn Boo Bok . . brown . . hawk like” in home-made ‘Owl Spottin Gyde’*

    • anon6789OP
      21 month ago

      There are a lot of them too, but I don’t come across many of them.

      Ninox owls: Laughing owl, Ninox albifacies (extinct) Rufous owl, Ninox rufa Powerful owl, Ninox strenua Barking owl, Ninox connivens Sumba boobook, Ninox rudolfi Australian boobook, Ninox boobook Rote boobook Ninox rotiensis Timor boobook Ninox fusca Alor boobook, Ninox plesseni Tasmanian boobook, Ninox leucopsis Morepork, Ninox novaeseelandiae Northern boobook, Ninox japonica Brown boobook, Ninox scutulata Hume’s boobook, Ninox obscura Chocolate boobook, Ninox randi Andaman boobook, Ninox affinis Luzon boobook, Ninox philippensis Mindanao boobook, Ninox spilocephala Camiguin boobook, Ninox leventisi Sulu boobook, Ninox reyi Cebu boobook, Ninox rumseyi Romblon boobook, Ninox spilonotus Mindoro boobook, Ninox mindorensis Least boobook, Ninox sumbaensis Togian boobook, Ninox burhani Ochre-bellied boobook, Ninox ochracea Cinnabar boobook, Ninox ios Halmahera boobook, Ninox hypogramma Buru boobook, Ninox hantu Seram boobook, Ninox squamipila Tanimbar boobook, Ninox forbesi Christmas boobook, Ninox natalis Manus boobook, Ninox meeki Papuan boobook, Ninox theomacha Speckled boobook, Ninox punctulata New Britain boobook, Ninox odiosa New Ireland boobook, Ninox variegata

      And the Northern Hawk Owl is monotypic, but is closer related to Pygmy owls than the Ninox hawk owls.

      • Optional
        21 month ago


        . . . *writes ‘brown boo book’ again, scribbles poor drawing of one*

        • anon6789OP
          11 month ago

          Now I want to see the drawing!

            • anon6789OP
              21 month ago

              That’s cheating, but it is a very lively drawing so I do like it.

              • Optional
                21 month ago

                mine hasn’t been picked up by the stock photo services yet, but it’s basically the same. only brown. and . . less of it.

                • anon6789OP
                  21 month ago

                  As long as it’s brown, you should be good. 👍🏼