What in the name of the Illuminati is going on here? And why in the name of Alex Jones are you usually reliable nutters not freaking the heck out?

  • @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    Propaganda only serves conservative goals.

    Disagree, our lack of left-wing propaganda and left-wing financial support for influencer media is 75% of the reason dems lose.

    • djsoren19
      41 month ago

      Right, and how exactly is the group that decries capitalism meant to obtain financial support, or break through the righ-wing captured media?

      Capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with leftist ideology, and will do everything in its power to squash it.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        I don’t think it would take that much capital. 20 million a year you could sponsor a hundred operations all over the country in places with tons of talent but no funding. They can also end up generating profit to self sustain themselves.

    • OptionalOP
      31 month ago

      Well that’s certainly true- I guess maybe I should say the past attempts at a right-wing style approach to media but from a left-wing perspective have failed.