The camera size is already huge in iPhone 14 Pro that it doesn’t sit well on MagSafe Duo Charger wishing that they figured out a way to at least keep the size to how it currently is but it looks like there’s no getting around it. It looks like it’s gonna be bigger than 45mm Apple Watch at this point.

  • @abhibeckert
    1 year ago

    So imo, if you want something lighter, buy the lighter non-pro

    I’d argue being lighter is a feature, and one that I’d personally be happy to pay a premium for. The original MacBook Air was something like a thousand dollars more expensive than the MacBook for example (and I bought/loved that MacBook Air).

    For example professional bicycles are usually hand laid carbon fibre. It costs a fortune and it’s worse than a metal frame in every way (except weight), but people still pay for it, because weight matters.

    • @WiseMoth
      01 year ago

      And you’re absolutely correct. Being light is a feature. It’s a feature of the non-pro. The fact is, putting more, better components in will make the phone heavier. And the point of the pro is to have more features and be the better phone. Unlike a racing bicycle which very specifically has to be light. And also unlike the MacBook Air which again, the entire purpose of which was to be thin and light. I completely agree that being light is a feature, just not here.