• @Ceedoestrees
    11 month ago

    You getting downvoted for stating what’s factually correct while still disagreeing with it is classic shooting the messenger.

      • @Test_Tickles
        330 days ago

        I have read these receipts and literally the first story is about Percy Schmeiser, a farmer who used seed from plants grown on his own land that had been “contaminated” with genes from a neighboring farm. He had never signed any contract with Mansanto and didn’t take the seeds from his neighbor. Plants on his property were “contaminated” through natural means.
        It then ends with a brief note about 700 farmers who settled out of court and lumps them under the guilty umbrella because they settled.
        But worst of all, this site that this article is posted on is a propaganda mouth piece for Monsanto. It is owned and funded by the same guy owns and funds Monsanto’s PR company.

        • Tlaloc_Temporal
          127 days ago

          Sure, I don’t disagree. The difference is I had a source to criticize. You know what info I was working with and can guage how reasonable my claim is. If you go around to people convinced of something and say “Nuh uh”, it doesn’t matter if you’re correct, you’ll be laughed out of the room.