EU monitor says global temperatures were 1.75C above preindustrial levels, extending run of unprecedented highs

Climate scientists had expected this exceptional spell to subside after a warming El Niño event peaked in January 2024 and conditions shifted to an opposing, cooling La Niña phase. But the heat has lingered at record or near-record levels, prompting debate about what other factors could be driving it to the top end of expectations.

  • @Buffalox
    21 month ago

    No it’s literally global warming because the increased greenhouse gasses are creating a greenhouse effect causing global warming.
    Climate change is part of a normal cycle too, so calling it climate change camouflages the fact that it’s human made, and will never be able to get back to balance by itself as with natural changes in the climate.

    • Rhaedas
      11 month ago

      I’m just pointing out they are two parts of the same thing, and both have been used in actual science research for close to a century now. More correct reporting tends to describe it as man-made climate change, caused by global warming. They go hand in hand. I get what your point is, but that same point has also been used by deniers to say that everything’s fine because climate change is normal. This one is not.