I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • Flying Squid
    41 month ago

    It really does baffle me that some people think a lack of an effort will bring about change.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      Removing your support from a party you previously supported is an effort to bring about change. Evidenced by the democrats trying to figure out how to get people to vote for them again.

      I bet you think divorce is a bad thing too.

      • @Rhoeri
        11 month ago

        Divorce isn’t something from nothing, so I’m not too sure what that false equivalency is supposed to do for you.

        You cannot expect action from inaction.

        • @[email protected]
          230 days ago

          Its the same type of situation: would you make the best of a bad situation or blow it up? Would you vote for the lesser evil or abstain/vote third party?

          • @Rhoeri
            30 days ago

            Voting for the lesser evil is a no brainer considering the threat America faced. In better times, I’d absolutely agree with the ideology.

            Now is not those times.

            • @[email protected]
              229 days ago

              Well with all the dramatic news stories and comments, you’d think the country already was burned to the ground. I’m getting exhausted of people jumping to conclusions and claiming what they think the consequences will be is a simple fact. Especially absurd when Trump changes his public opinions near daily.

        • @Modern_medicine_isnt
          21 month ago

          I guess you never just ignored a toddler… lots of action comes from that inaction.

      • Flying Squid
        -11 month ago

        How are you enjoying the divorce so far? Got what you wanted out of it?

        • @[email protected]
          530 days ago

          It wasnt a personal reference. The point I’m making is that it tends to be overwhelmingly bad relationships end in divorce, as they should. It would be awful if people were forced to stay in bad situations like that.

          The democrats have a horrible relationship with their party members, and so many chose divorce, rightly so.

          • Flying Squid
            30 days ago

            Yes, I know you still think this is about political parties. It was not then and it certainly is not now. It was about stopping America from becoming the one-party fascist state it has now become.

            You can complain about the Democrats all you want. They are no longer an entity because there is only one legitimate political party in America right now- the one in control of all three branches of government that will never, ever give that up willingly.

            So, again, I hope you got all you wanted out of the divorce.

              • Flying Squid
                29 days ago

                Must be nice to have that white, cishet privilege.

                I hope for your sake that you’re Christian too.

                  • Flying Squid
                    -129 days ago

                    Oh really? Which of the 50 states do you think you’ll be safe in over the next four years unless you’re cishet, white and Christian? Do you really think Trump and his army of cops and enforcers care about state laws? Or any laws?

        • @JcbAzPx
          31 month ago

          Well the DNC is now forced to either pull their collective head out their ass or destroy themselves in spite. We’ll see how it goes.

          • Flying Squid
            -11 month ago

            You actually think the Democratic Party will ever have any real power ever again? Or any party other than the Republican Party?

            You actually think the Republican Party will ever willingly give up power?

            You still think these people give a shit about the law?

            Amazing. Just amazing.

              • Flying Squid
                -130 days ago

                I would like you to find one shred of evidence that I was ever a Democrat or supported their party.

                Then I would like you to explain why you think I give a fuck who’s fault it is at this point.

                  • Flying Squid
                    -129 days ago

                    Why do people insist on lying to me about me? I don’t get it. Do you think I’ll agree with you that I was once a Democrat just because you declared it?

            • @JcbAzPx
              229 days ago

              If you’ve given up so completely, why even bother to keep posting? The last thing we need right now is more pointless doomers.

              • Flying Squid
                129 days ago

                Why on Earth do you think that acknowledging the reality that America is now a one-party fascist state is giving up? Do you think acknowledging that about the Nazis or the Italians was giving up?

                • @JcbAzPx
                  129 days ago

                  Look back on the words you wrote. Those are the words of a quitter.

                  • Flying Squid
                    129 days ago

                    Well you clearly know Flying Squid better than I do since I had no idea he was a quitter. Please tell me more about Flying Squid.