What’s your most cruel prank so far?

Hi. Have you ever woken up just feeling malicious, with a mood of “Man, I just wish to ruin someone’s day for shits and giggles”? And what do you do in those situations?

I wonder, what’s the best, meanest, cruelest prank you pulled on your friends or foes so far.


  • Dr. Quadragon ❌OP
    31 month ago

    @asklemmy Here’s one more from me, also computer-related:

    If you’re in a non-English speaking country and your machines use layout switch function, add *one* more keyboard layout on every system you touch. Doesn’t matter which one, but bonus points if it’s as similar to ones present as possible, but different enough to matter - for example some letters are “switched”. I used German, French and even Bulgarian.

    Lock the session and watch the reaction.

    You are welcome.

    • Шуро
      11 month ago

      @drq Somewhat related pranks we did sometime:

      1. If you are mail admin (or can create recipients) make an account mimicking someone important (maybe not CEO unless you want your ass fired but your boss or their boss will do) replacing one letter from another layout or just using similar ones (I and l being usual favorites). Hide it from the address book and initiate some correspondence involving that account and some pranksters about something sensitive involving your victim. Then “accidentally” leak it. The victim won’t go to the boss (hopefully) because they are not supposed to see it but they’ll get all squirmy and start asking around about salary cuts or whatever.

      Or they will go to the boss or the boss above that boss and then the prank is on you :)

      1. Make a computer account mimicking your victim in the same way. When they leave the room, log with that very similar account and lock it up. Watch them trying to enter password. Help them reset it multiple times because you don’t know why it doesn’t work, is your keyboard ok? Let’s test it on my PC, look, you can log in just fine, go and type your new password, it must work. Look, it works on your phone. Maybe try to reset your password yourself from my PC? Oh, bummer… No, I didn’t do anything, let’s reboot your computer, must be Windows glitch.
      • Dr. Quadragon ❌OP
        21 month ago

        @shuro Here’s one more.

        If you have a Unix-using friend who relies on the command history just a lil bit too much - like scrolling a dozen lines just to find an “ls” command, replace .bash_history file with a poem of your choosing with lines ordered backwards next time they forget to lock their session.

        Don’t forget to back up the old file, though.


      • Dr. Quadragon ❌OP
        11 month ago

        @shuro Wow, the first one is borderline unethical. I don’t say I didn’t like it, but I certainly wouldn’t do that.

        The second one, though, is all around great. Will I try it some time? I dunno, maybe? :D
