
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that the Trump is deliberately overwhelming the public with chaotic news to induce passivity.

Citing Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone” strategy and historian Michiko Kakutani’s comparison of Trump to Mussolini and Hitler, she argued that Trump uses the internet to spread disinformation, much like past dictators used film and radio.

Urging people to stay engaged, she emphasized that collective resistance can slow harmful policies and that small acts of opposition make a difference.

    • @Doomsider
      11 month ago

      More like an interesting parallel. Being a firebrand from the otherside.

        • @Doomsider
          11 month ago

          I think this is an fine opinion about both.

      • @fallowseed
        -21 month ago

        what i am referring to as typical is the assumption that criticizing x puts you in y camp.

        • @Doomsider
          11 month ago

          Fair enough, I am just looking for a conversation.

          • @fallowseed
            1 month ago

            i can see them as a funny inversion as well, for instance: you can’t accuse mtg of faking her passion, crazy as it can get… aoc on the other hand is not convincing to me… maybe she can change my mind, but she was disappointingly late to speak up about the biden backed genocide and seems to be more of a token mouthpiece for a constituency that the democrats (at large) are distancing themselves from.

            • @Doomsider
              21 month ago

              Thanks for that, it is interesting to hear your perspective. I can see why you don’t care for AOC especially about the Palestinian genocide. I think one thing that makes it hard for establishment Democratic candidates is that their party represents a wide range of interests and is not driven by single issues.

              In the case of Palestine there are a lot of Democrats, particularly Jewish that are very supportive of Israel. Unfortunately politics is a numbers game and I think that is why it can seem so distasteful to those looking in.

              When you are looking at losing 5% (wild figure pulled from my imagination) of your votes for outright condemning the massacre of Palestinians as opposed to gaining let’s say 15% for supporting Israel’s right to defend itself then as a politician you have to make a hard choice.

              I think the choice should always be the morally correct one but most politicians on both sides do not operate like this.

              • @fallowseed
                1 month ago

                i think you’re too kind on the establishment democrats… what is distasteful is their absolute refusal to represent anyone but their donors… biden wouldn’t step down until it was ‘too late’ to have a meaningful democratic process so we got de facto kamala appointment… what kind of party is this? she did not even win her own home state when she actually was involved in a presidential primary. the democrats are terrible and deserved to lose. one could be forgiven for assuming they wanted to lose.

                • @Doomsider
                  1 month ago

                  I think you are perhaps too kind to the US in general. I have no soft spot for Republicans or the Democratic party. I fully believe that we have been living in a death cult for over a century now. Toppling democracies, arming both sides in conflicts, helping create the Nazi party, ignoring the suffering of our own people, causing global warming, releasing forever chemicals into our environment, always choosing money over the safety and well being of everyone, and so much much more.

                  I do recognize the Democratic party as the lesser of evil, but by how much? Not much honestly. Their leadership is garbage and their only redeeming quality is perhaps their diversity of opinions and acceptance of some dissent however small it is.

                  I don’t necessarily believe why they lost is because of how terrible they are. If terribleness was the defining factor of why a political party loses or wins in the US then the modern Republicans would never win. Their brazen worship of money knows no bounds. They have blown up our deficit and mismanaged our economic system every chance they get. They openly represent the worst of us with their racism, sexism, and love of war.

                  The strangest part is both the parties have completely flip-flopped so everything they once stood for is a complete lie. The Democrats rose from their racist heritage to become corporate bootlickers and the Republicans chose to court the worst of humanity to win at all costs. Having grown up Republican, changed to the Democratic Party, and then became an independent provided me a unique perspective few have.

                  I have a family to raise and support so all this puts me in an incredibly awkward position. If the only choice is something slightly less evil that is not really a choice at all. We are a terrible empire in decline. This is the legacy I have left my children with. It is not just my fault though as the blame is for all of us to share.

                  • @fallowseed
                    -11 month ago

                    in my opinion they’re terrible and their strategy is terrible, they are movement vampires that choke out the grassroots… they assimilate young people by speaking to issues they never seem to address. they have shown time and again they will say anything to remain in their do-nothing stop-gap positions…