What is the Shutdown 315 Movement?

Edit: Because of the number of negative and discouraging comments that are counterproductive to the message of this post, I have decided to remove select comments that discourage organization. I apologize in advance if your comment is removed inadvertently.

I removed 32 comments.

  • @nieminen
    21 month ago

    I think someone set one of these up for Feb 28 already, might be better to join up rather than have a bunch of them?

      • @Squizzy
        31 month ago

        Because its stupid not join forces and form a union. Jesus its a big enough task to motivate thr sorry losers in the shithole country nevermind if you tell them they can come in two weeks if today doesnt suit.

      • @meliaesc
        11 month ago

        In general, people will not be able to keep their jobs after “protesting” twice in 2 weeks. Let’s focus everyone’s attention on just one event so the impact is greater.

      • @nieminen
        11 month ago

        I would expect that one bigger event would have more effect then several smaller ones