I ended up having some time today to dig this thing out of my camping gear. It’s musty rusty and crusty but it’s poked a lot of holes in fuel cans. Haven’t camped in years some of this is really taking me back.

  • @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    You should just make every comment an image of paper where you write what you would type. That’d be real old school

      • Somewhiteguy
        228 days ago

        I keep telling my kids that the more you do it, the better it gets. I had to start journaling just to get my handwriting into shape. I don’t like to journal, but need to be able to take legible notes during meetings. So, one fed into the other. Your cursive/script/magic runes look better than most other block print I’m seeing in local High Schools, so keep it up.

        • BizzleOP
          228 days ago

          My kids are pretty young but my 7 year old came to me and asked me to teach him cursive. Proud dad moment for sure 😁 I don’t journal but I do write terrible short fiction, all by hand, in a notebook. It’s fun!