As long as I’m enjoying myself it’s not a bad thing, right?

  • Skua
    1321 hours ago

    One of my players offered themself up as a hostage to get the others out of a losing fight alive, which was a great twist in the story but now I need to run two branches until the others can attempt a rescue

    • @mojofrododojo
      1221 hours ago

      the bad guys huddle a few feet away from the bound adventurer.

      “What the fuck are we going to do with this asshole?”

      “Uh… torture them and murder them?”

      “Bob… what the fuck is wrong with you?”

      “Well we’re not feeding them. We don’t have enough rations for each of us.”

      “Let them go?”

      “Let them go, follow them, then ambush the party and take their food. Or eat them.”

      “Well, I guess that’s better than your first plan Bob.”

      • Skua
        521 hours ago

        Fortunately we are playing Lancer, so it’s entirely in keeping with the setting for the others to drop from orbit in big mechs to explode things until they get their friend back!

        In the meantime there was going to be a thing about working with some rebels behind enemy lines anyway, so they’re going to break the hostage out of captivity at the cost of not having the resources to help in a later conflict

        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          drop from orbit in big mechs to explode things until they get their friend back!

          Awww yeah. Stand by for titanfall! :D

          Lancer sounds really neat. The Savage Worlds SciFi companion is shipping soon and includes various flavors of mecha/mechs/walkers. I’m so freaking stoked.

        • @mojofrododojo
          320 hours ago

          so they’re going to break the hostage out of captivity at the cost of not having the resources to help in a later conflict

          I like this mechanic but I hope you include some leeway for the player who can recruit their rescuer to their cause :D Think Han Solo driving a warhammer or marauder lancer equivs :D

          • Skua
            220 hours ago

            They’ll definitely be working with the rebels beyond the rescue! He’s getting busted out by a disillusioned veteran of the army that captured him, and that guy is already geared up with a battered and customised mech stolen from that army. The other player characters are going to drop down and fight to rendezvous with the rebel and their friend, at which point they can drop a third mech prepared in advance for that player to join the fight. The rebel leader will definitely stay relevant, he’ll just have fewer forces to back the players up than he otherwise would have

            Lancer has a system called “reserves”, which are basically special bonuses you can acquire by either achieving extra objective in a fight or securing something in the downtime between fights. Stuff like being able to call in an artillery barrage from allied forces, or a flight system with fuel for one fight. These are usually things only for the players, but I’ll be treating the loss of rebel forces incurred in rescuing the player as a reserve for the enemy — the rebels aren’t able to garrison the town they captured and it’s not longer a safe spot to rest, or they can’t take out the artillery spotters before a fight, something like that depending on what’s relevant and how they decide to approach things.