So, even if you had been immune, through previous illness, vaccination or via maternal milk, you may not be anymore after having measles.

I had never heard this until today, and it’s an absolutely horrifying thought.

You’re welcome.

  • @gift_of_gab
    3913 hours ago

    One of my family members was immune to the vaccine, and couldn’t achieve the required percentage of it to actively fight off the measels. So doctors told his parents to have him avoid any large gathering that they could (fairs, pools, etc). So until he was finally able to get his vaccine % above (I don’t remember the number) he didn’t get to go to those things, and it was because there was an anti-vaxx group in his area. So this poor kid had two options: Risk the terrifying symptoms and side effects you mentioned, and be social, or never go to those events to make sure he doesn’t, you know, die.

    Fuck those other parents, selfish fucking cruel anti-vaxx morons.

    • @GrammarPolice
      1312 hours ago

      Immune to a vaccine is crazy bad luck💀

      • @TBi
        1111 hours ago

        It wouldn’t be if everyone was vaccinated though…

    • @Squizzy
      111 hours ago

      Blackilicious 🫡