Across this vast Fediverse, I have encountered a trend of people answering questions with esoteric programming language speaking in tongues that I don’t understand, including under my own posts. I am a Boomer when it comes to coding and I am only 27. I don’t even know where I would start to learn it because programming is so diverse. I want to feel like I know what’s going on but I don’t. Coding is the future and the future is now and I am lagging severely behind. I guess I’m asking where a bumbling novice like me can learn more about where to start when it comes to programming.

  • nek0d3r
    51 year ago

    I think the modern paradigm of frameworks and libraries really makes things confusing, because you can learn every single bit of vanilla JS and then Angular is still like a different language, just like all the rest. I started teaching myself in 2005 so I did have the advantage of a bit of the old world of programming, but I also wasn’t allowed to own a computer and I spent years and years on graphing calculators and notepads learning the basic principles of what is now second nature to me. There’s lots of great options people have already mentioned, C# or Python both are pretty good, but pick one and stick to it. A few months of daily work on it will get you far enough to get a grasp, and a few years of it will get you started on a career. But just get started with it and keep at it, I promise you will get it!