Tesla sales dropped around 13 percent across Europe in 2024, but so far this year, the scale of the problem is far greater. In France, sales of new Teslas fell by 63 percent, while total car sales in the country fell by just 6 percent, with EV sales dropping just half a percent.

Oh noez! Our big, wet, doughy nazi will surely be sad to hear about this!

May Tesla fail.

  • @Buffalox
    1 month ago

    operating margin has dropped to just 6.2 percent —the lowest since Q1 2024. By contrast, the industry average operating margin for an automaker is around 10 percent.

    Oh boy the number of times I’ve heard Tesla has better margin, so they are in a strong position for a price war. 😋🤣🤡
    VW is walking all mover Tesla in EU now, and Toyota has made their first decent EV ever!

    Tesla is toast, only China holds them up with somewhat decent sales, but still smaller market share.

    Musk went from hero to fraud to danger to democracy, so I will absolutely cheer it on when it goes badly for him.