Implementation of trusts and the SLT aggrandisement this has caused is a huge area of potential cost savings and morale boosting for front-line staff by scrapping it.
The idea of empowering schools via trusts was a decent one, but the implementation is absolutely woeful.
I’ll be surprised if Labour do anything to challenge anything about MATs and the crooks who run them. Take a look at the “experts” involved in the curriculum review - all pro-academisation and many of them already raking in the cash as either CEOs or advisors to MATs. I think parents would be genuinely shocked if they knew the extent of the (for want of a better word) corruption in education. Like all aspects of governing a modern state, politcians don’t want to actually manage anything and are quite happy to let the grifters do it for them.
Implementation of trusts and the SLT aggrandisement this has caused is a huge area of potential cost savings and morale boosting for front-line staff by scrapping it.
The idea of empowering schools via trusts was a decent one, but the implementation is absolutely woeful.
I’ll be surprised if Labour do anything to challenge anything about MATs and the crooks who run them. Take a look at the “experts” involved in the curriculum review - all pro-academisation and many of them already raking in the cash as either CEOs or advisors to MATs. I think parents would be genuinely shocked if they knew the extent of the (for want of a better word) corruption in education. Like all aspects of governing a modern state, politcians don’t want to actually manage anything and are quite happy to let the grifters do it for them.