• @sumguyonline
    -52 days ago

    Somewhere along the way, complaining about something you don’t like, while that thing is occurring, became a meltdown. Personally, if you aren’t screaming, jumping up and down, flailing your arms like a maniac, or in the least doing that thing where you force blood into your head and your face gets all blood flushed and if you keep doing it you pass out and crumble like a building made of peanut brittle, unless you did atleast one of those then you aren’t melting down… But based off constant headlines, Complaining about something is a meltdown, then I have constant melt downs, and I really don’t know what it is when I’ve had what I called a meltdown, but apparently is now much worse than what is defined as a meltdown. I have a meltdown when I hit every red light(I complain annoyingly about it), I have a meltdown when I buy diet instead of sugar soda, but I honestly don’t know what it’s called now when my face gets flushed, I start flailingy arms in the air, hollering up and down for whichever deity will bring down holy fire upon the video game that I just died for the 100th time for the same boss… Is that now a psychotic episode? Cuz I always thought psychotic episodes you were psychotic, and melt down you lost your composure, but complaining is a meltdown, so is losing your composure now going psychotic which used to be having a meltdown?