Between the lines: “Big Tech and anyone else who seeks to engage in anticompetitive or illegal behavior have been put on notice,” a commission source told Axios in announcing the new hires:
Bunch of fucking words until something is actually done. Plus everyone else the administration has put in place is a liar, so the words are actually a good indication that big tech should be prepared for tons of back pats and handjobs.
They’re going to turn around and say the anticompetitive and illegal behavior they’re watching for is “dei hiring,” and that these companies’ employees aren’t white or straight enough. Or else it’ll be when companies refuse to comply with “the spirit of” any of Trump’s next 5000 pre-written unhinged executive orders that wouldn’t apply to private business, like calling women or minorities humans or something.
Bunch of fucking words until something is actually done. Plus everyone else the administration has put in place is a liar, so the words are actually a good indication that big tech should be prepared for tons of back pats and handjobs.
They’re going to turn around and say the anticompetitive and illegal behavior they’re watching for is “dei hiring,” and that these companies’ employees aren’t white or straight enough. Or else it’ll be when companies refuse to comply with “the spirit of” any of Trump’s next 5000 pre-written unhinged executive orders that wouldn’t apply to private business, like calling women or minorities humans or something.
In- between the lines: “Big Tech that pisses off el Drumpo that is”
“Tributes over ten million dollars only, please.”