Whether it’s like the JFK Promenade, or Slow Streets, or car free sections of Valencia Streets on some days, what streets do you think SF could transform into car free areas?

  • @robocallOP
    32 years ago

    I really like car free market street. Even though I still share the road with trains, buses, and some cars. I never cycled on market before it was car free/ car reduced. I would like more streets designated like this.

    I could see Valencia being pedestrianized, with expanded sidewalks, a multi use bike path, and maybe a one way 5 mph lane for daytime deliveries with bollards.

    • @bill_1992
      22 years ago

      Valencia being more pedestrianized would be amazing.

      Personally not too happy with the center bike lane, though I do have hopes it eventually turns into something better with the extension and adding of bollards once it actually opens.

      Probably a hard sell for the community at large though, moreso than Market St.

    • @SwingRiver
      2 years ago

      Market is awesome now. I’ve started commuting on bike to Caltrain at 4th and King. I know we have bike lanes on 5th (admittedly I don’t know how you’d do it otherwise), but that stretch from Market to King just feels sketchy. Especially with the highway on/off ramps. Every time there is someone running a red light to get onto 5th/Harrison or the cars are backed up getting into the highway so you have to swirve into the oncoming lane.