I rocked long hair from grade school to my mid 20s.
Then, a lady friend (platonic) sat me down and had a talk with me.
The thinning, now seemingly always greasy, strands of hair was not a good look. Like, don’t visit a playground or I would be arrested on site lol.
So, being a metal head there are two main options, or at least were at the time. Long hair. Or take bare clippers to it.
So, I did.
That first winter fucking suuuucked. Still to this day, I tend to rock a hoody in cold weather, and toss my hood up to cover my head for warmth when outdoors.
Sometimes I let it grow out for about a month before taking clippers to it again, out of sheer laziness. A month of growth, from shaved, isn’t much in the way of hair, but temperature wise it is very noticeable.
When my head is freezing and I don’t have a hat handy I’m pretty sure that’s not a cosmetic issue.
Yeah that’s a you forgetting your hat issue. Poor memory due to bad genetics. Damn you have all kinds of problems.
I rocked long hair from grade school to my mid 20s.
Then, a lady friend (platonic) sat me down and had a talk with me.
The thinning, now seemingly always greasy, strands of hair was not a good look. Like, don’t visit a playground or I would be arrested on site lol.
So, being a metal head there are two main options, or at least were at the time. Long hair. Or take bare clippers to it.
So, I did.
That first winter fucking suuuucked. Still to this day, I tend to rock a hoody in cold weather, and toss my hood up to cover my head for warmth when outdoors.
Sometimes I let it grow out for about a month before taking clippers to it again, out of sheer laziness. A month of growth, from shaved, isn’t much in the way of hair, but temperature wise it is very noticeable.
Same here, I had white boy dreads until one day you realize it looks better to cut it all off then trying to make it look like something it’s not.