From Harold Wilion

Poor Grayson.

It’s kind of sad to watch the cutest little Screech Owl, Grayson, sitting in his hole trilling away, looking for a mate. He lives in the same area as Betty, a red morph, who’s already hooked up with another red morph, that we’re not sure, but may be Whitey, who she was hooked up with last year.

Screech owls supposedly mate for life. Until recently, when the only red we would see was Betty, I was hoping she would hook up with Grayson as I would have loved to see how the combo of red and gray would end up, but I guess that just ain’t gonna happen.

And now you know what high school was like for me, just sitting in a tree outside the school, trilling away, just trying to find a mate

  • anon6789OP
    25 hours ago

    Aww, your pic doesnt show her flair as a “Top Contributor.” I was going to say “yeah…of sick burns!” 😜

    This exchange was a bit more positive!

    • @[email protected]
      25 hours ago

      Why are you wishing for Grayson to settle, he’s too cute to settle! He deserves a top shelf partner!!

      • anon6789OP
        24 hours ago

        I just want the little guy to be happy. I’m not here to judge his taste in lady owls. If she’s close enough to hear his calls, he’s already decided he at least sorta likes he if he hasn’t tried to run her off. Owl relations are probably complex, they’re pretty top tier when it comes to being antisocial.

        • @[email protected]
          24 hours ago

          Grayson sounds like me for real, I also need to leave my burrow and socialize.

          Please post when he finds his special someone 🙏

          • anon6789OP
            14 hours ago

            I certainly will! Harold posts a lot, and Greyson seems very local to him. Best of luck to you as well. Be yourself and you will find someone right for you! It may take a bit longer than you’d want, but there are always good and loving people out there.

            Until then, we are always here as well! 🦉