• @[email protected]
    139 days ago

    So… your point is that Trump is not a problem? Or are you saying that the acceleration of the destruction of a country which 340 million people rely on is a good thing?

    Or is there some other intent to your post that isn’t part of the above things I mentioned?

    • @Tattorack
      258 days ago

      I think he’s saying America has always been a problem. Trump is just competing to make it worse. I’m inclined to agree.

      America’s troubles didn’t start with Trump, and the way the rest of the world regards the US also didn’t start with him.

    • @[email protected]
      88 days ago

      So… your point is that Trump is not a problem

      Trump is just the latest problem

      Or are you saying that the acceleration of the destruction of a country which 340 million people rely on is a good thing?

      Do better or die seem like good terms to me

      • @MothmanDelorian
        8 days ago

        So no care for the harm suffered by those who are victims of America’s decline?

    • @[email protected]
      9 days ago

      340 million people rely on is a good thing?

      It’s like asking the germanics if the fall of the Roman empire was a good thing. HELL YEAH, as a modern day Germanic to the Americas Roman empire. Heck yeah I wanna see them fall and collapse into absolutely brutality. Your nation runs off the destruction and exploitation of hundreds of millions of people.

      • @[email protected]
        79 days ago

        I honestly do think I see where you’re coming from but my follow-up question is then which country(ies) on this planet ought not to be destroyed? Are you of the opinion that all systems built off the backs of suffering should end or just certain ones that have crossed a threshold?

        • @[email protected]
          8 days ago

          Personally anger aside I think no nation should be destroyed be rather cut up into more reasonable nation groups. America could be 4+ nations, many of Africa’s and Asia’s borders are superficial borders often created by western power and id dismantle rogue states into new new nations or new reformed government. America, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, North Korea, Russia, china.

          Certain nations be dismantled or changed would also have knock on global effects such as America and russia being dismantled would also dismantle many of their backed regimes within a lifetime or two. Looking at Israel and Belarus as examples

          I do believe not all systems are built off the back of suffering and some are, but even those that aren’t built off of suffering can be exploited to ensure suffering and power capitulation

          • @VerbFlow
            24 days ago

            Cascadian here, we will protect each other

      • @Eldritch
        48 days ago

        Throw in the collapse of the fascist government of Russia, and the oppressive state capitalists of China and you have a deal.

        People helping people. Not nations helping themselves.

        • @[email protected]
          58 days ago

          I could agree to that. America and Russia need to be divided into reasonable nation states and china needs to release all non Han Chinese core provinces and needs a completely new government. While we’re at it France and Britain need some severe humbling

          • @Shapillon
            25 days ago

            French here. We need to let go of and pay formal reparations to our ex and current de facto colonies.

            I don’t see why we should divide China, Russia, and the USA. I agree they need to be reworked from the ground up. But I’d be curious as to why they should be split up?

            • @[email protected]
              25 days ago

              China doesn’t need to be divided, that’s historic mostly historic Chinese land bar the extremities like xinyang. Russia and America are huge and don’t often make sense as one nation. America would be better off if split between more reasonable nations like a west coast nation, the deep south and the east coast.

              Russia is already internally split into republic and I understand they have all that land to defend their eastern border but still