House Democratic lawmakers reportedly used a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups that have been driving constituent calls and pressuring the party to act like a genuine opposition force in the face of the Trump administration’s authoritarian assault on federal agencies and key programs.

  • @ameancow
    283 hours ago

    We need a Democratic Tea Party movement very badly.

    Unfortunately, I already know the people who would lead it would also never get past making the rules of who’s included, what kind of tea we’ll be using, and if it’s ethically sourced, and if any members have any problematic tweets in their past, what particular brand of socialism everyone subscribes to, and of course, what we’re actually demanding from the government.

    Say what you want about the right, but their superficial, Ork-like focus on goals gets them moving. Too bad those goals are usually things like “Vote against our best interests as much as humanly possible.”

    • dream_weasel
      13 minutes ago

      The left won’t big-tent: if you aren’t perfect and addressing their issue du jour, well, good luck. I don’t know how you make a progressive party if there is no ability to prioritize.

      And by the way I get it, if I wasn’t allowed to exist, I would sure as shit want my issue at the front of the line too.