I’ve realised that I’m a little too fond of fizzy drinks. It’s not a severe addiction to the point of downing gallons, but I am drinking a 330ml can of Pepsi Max almost every day. Sometimes a little more.
I’ve realised that I’m a little too fond of fizzy drinks. It’s not a severe addiction to the point of downing gallons, but I am drinking a 330ml can of Pepsi Max almost every day. Sometimes a little more.
Don’t break it. Switch to kombucha. Synergy raw kombucha is 60 calories per ~450mL. Fizz is from fermentation, which gives it a little bit of alcohol but with a lot of probiotics that are good for your gut biome. I keep that and flavored carbonated water in rotation, along with plenty of filtered water.
What about the acidity though? Personally I love the taste of highly acidic beverages, but I’m worried if I drink them too often they could fuck up my teeth.
Rephrase this because you mention alcohol. Kombucha is non alcoholic and… Has .5 percent alc. Volume. So fear not people. Good for the gut microbiome too.