• @foggy
    2123 hours ago

    I think calling it a Musk Salute might actually be a great idea if the media is so unwilling to call it a Nazi Seig Heil.

    Call it a Musk Salute to the Nazi flag.

    • @[email protected]
      823 hours ago

      It also makes a lot of sense because in German the salute is called “Hitlergruß” (which literally translates to Hitler salute), because the accompanying words were mostly “Heil Hitler” and not “Sieg Heil” (which also was used, just a but less common), so you were saluting Hitler. So when Musk does it is in fact a “Sieg Heil”, but when somebody else salutes the American flag it is a Musk salute because you are saluting Musk, the Führer of the USA