I’m assuming interactive fiction means more along the lines of Choose Your Own Adventure books or Fighting Fantasy game books.
Article mentions text adventures as well, but old school like Zork and such wouldn’t work well without a keyboard. Maybe more the nineties era Gabriel Knight and Beneath a Steel Sky,but that would suffer from a black and white screen.
I do kind of wish it had a full keyboard like the old kindle did. Tons of great IF text adventures that would almost seamlessly transfer to this format.
Interactive Fiction to make a comeback? What? Visual novels never went anywhere.
I’m assuming interactive fiction means more along the lines of Choose Your Own Adventure books or Fighting Fantasy game books.
Article mentions text adventures as well, but old school like Zork and such wouldn’t work well without a keyboard. Maybe more the nineties era Gabriel Knight and Beneath a Steel Sky,but that would suffer from a black and white screen.
I do kind of wish it had a full keyboard like the old kindle did. Tons of great IF text adventures that would almost seamlessly transfer to this format.