ITT: Every shitty boss you ever had that would prefer you sever yourself from your thoughts, emotions, and personhood all for the sake of capitalism. The same folk who preach about the meritocracy but fall in line and flip their shit every time a trust fund baby in a suit visits.
Work, the place you go to serve the coperate overlords, isn’t political? If the corporations don’t care about politics why is it so important to protect their speech in the form of money?
You can discuss politics, but the way you’re writing makes it sound like you’re preaching at your coworkers. People tend not to respond very well to being told how to think, even if you’re right. Perhaps you’re wasting your energy and risking your job when you could be organizing a club after work hours instead? If you really hate your bosses though, you have two choices: quit or organize a union (which might be right up your alley from how you’re talking)
I’m just asking for a culture change. We’ve let the racist make everything so toxic that having reasonable political positions isn’t possible anymore. Now things are hot and they want us all to hold the coals while keeping quiet. Just so I don’t offend racist bob over there.
Culture is what people believe on average, even if you believe that it originated from the rich. You need people on your side if you want to make progress. Sorry to say that politics is mainly a popularity contest with policies being the second class citizen in debates (student class presidents for example, it doesn’t change they just get older and more powerful). I’m not telling you to give up, just suggesting that you change tactic. If you go around calling people racist you’re not gonna convert anyone, and if your goal is not to convert then I don’t know how you expect to make lasting change. Listen to their side, even if you don’t agree. People love to be listened to, and you need people to open up and feel safe to change their opinions and not be on the defensive around you. And if there’s just straight up racist policies at your job, again that is what unions can help with to curb workplace discrimination through solidarity (which also needs people all to be on the same side)
Thanks for your effort. I’m not here to change my mind. Maybe in the future but there is a short window now and people need to get loud about it.
We want change, the status quo will have to change too.
Okay, but “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. You’re on a fast track for burning your bridges without making the impact you’re expecting and I’m just trying to warn you.
The problem is MAGA are much better at the latter then you or me. So my question is, why not go together?
Going together is ideal, that’s what I’m saying. But going together inherently is about popularity, and remember Trump won the popular vote this time… MAGA works on feelings and their followers believe they are the ones being persecuted. If you match their crazy, they’re just gonna double down and get crazier. Instead get oranized. Join or coordinate a protest nearby, talk to coworkers but try to change their mind of they don’t agree and if they do agree talk about what they feel comfortable doing to further the cause (try to keep from getting fired, being broke really takes away a lot of your free time to do these things, I know it sucks), continue discussing online and take a look around those MAGA bubbles (keep your friends close and your enemies closer). Right now you’re venting to an already left wing/progressive bubble at the least, I’m suggesting you help make fascism not so popular which means interacting outside this bubble and actually convincing them why they should listen.
This whole manner of engaging in a discussion is just really annoying and most people probably won’t find it worth their time to engage with you, let alone people who just want to do their jobs. Maybe spend some time learning about how to engage with people productively or you’ll be in for a bad time whenever you step outside your echo chamber.
Sorry concern for someone other then you and your job annoys you.
Sorry people aren’t receptive to your mental jerk off sessions at work then I guess.
Oh, I’m jerking off now. Got it. All political speech is self serving, got it. You though. You’re a man of the people.