What’s a quote you use too often from a movie that’s not one of THE quotes from that movie? And will anyone in the community figure it out?

    • @LemmySoloHer
      31 year ago

      I think the context you added as a clue helped eliminate some movies from being the answer, but definitely still having trouble with this one! For whatever reason it keeps evoking “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” quotes in my head which isn’t helpful since it’s a TV show.

      I know it’s not this but I’m guessing it just to get things started in hopes of getting another clue: Pineapple Express (2008)?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Swing and a miss.

        I’ll give you a more direct hint about the context: “You do” implies someone said that I [verb] something. But I say that in response to someone calling me [an adjective], which doesn’t make sense.

        • @LauchsOP
          11 year ago

          I’ve been thinking about this for far too long and am comin’ up with a hot load of nothing…

          It almost feels Napoleon Dynamitish but I’m pretty sure it’s not.

          Can you spoil it? Or give clues?

            • @LauchsOP
              21 year ago

              Ahhhhh, my knowledge of Spade films is pretty paltry.

                • @LauchsOP
                  11 year ago

                  The famous Spade movies I know of are Tommy Boy, Black Sheep and Joe Dirt and I’m 0/3 on them!

                  Though, after I watched him on Norm MacDonald’s netflix show I was more impressed than I had been so…

                • @LemmySoloHer
                  11 year ago

                  Oh man, alright this has to be Joe Dirt right? I remember him saying “you do!” as a comeback to “you suck” so I’m guessing he misused it as a comeback later on. It could also possibly be the sequel but the first movie is definitely beloved with the sequel generally being not so much.

                  So I’m going Joe Dirt (2001) final answer!