I can’t open the ai character chat (advanced chat), i saw perchance on youtube and wanted to try it. I already open it in another browser and another smartphone,the results is same. (i never use ai character chat or perchance before). Please help me 🏳
Can you try again now? I think it’s because you’re using an old browser version, but I’ve just added something that should work around the issue.
@[email protected] I’ve actually fixed this by adding the polyfill at the ‘platform’ level - i.e. with code like this in the iframe, before the generator code runs:
if(!window.structuredClone) await import("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/web/structured-clone.js/+esm");
If there are any more platform-level polyfills that you think should be added from https://github.com/zloirock/core-js (or elsewhere) let me know. Easy for me to add, and saves every dev from having to add their own polyfills for the longtail of old browsers.
Thank you, there’s a change but i still can’t see the content (Another error Appear) And yes it seems like my browser is too old, but it can’t be upgraded again (the chrome), is there really no way? (sorry for troubling you and i appreciate your help¬ice)
Sorry about that, I think that was a bug from a different change I made. I think I’ve fixed it now. Can you please try again?
Don’t sweat it. I already checked it and there’s a development Now i can see the home/main page, thanks. But i can’t chat because a new error, it returned me (or redirect by itself) to the main page I already tried a new chat with the same or different character and the result is same, also if i stay too long it’s crashed (the html/page is broken and i need to reload or the browser forced close automatically) (I’m glad there’s a progress,thanks)
Okay this time I’ve done a much more comprehensive fix, so it should patch ~all the functionality that older browsers don’t yet have.
I’m not sure what’s causing this, but let me know if it still occurs after checking the above fix and we can debug further.
Ok now i can see the character list,main page, the thread is working too (i can close and open it) and i can chat+the ai responded “sometimes”. There’s a small error here (screenshot) and the crashed page

And this is a bit out of topic but the “Verifying” box which i don’t mind if it appear, now appear too often… When that happen,an error message appear “error : unknown request id” and the AI can’t generate or respond (i can’t login or send feedback too because the animation in the box stopped/freeze) <note : same device,java enabled,no vpn,tested on another generator> I’m not in a rush so please take your time, I’ll wait no matter how long it is👍