I’m a somewhat observant catholic, I’ve been dealing with a lot of issues from fellow Catholics, including anti-lgbt statement from them
I’m now going under faith crisis, I have no idea what to do. I don’t wanna leave catholicism but at the same time I want to, The more I look at Catholics, the more I’m getting astray from Christianity especially when I saw someone celebrating a death of a “openly gay” person. and that really disgusts me when I read it, the amount of hatred (some) Catholics have towards the LGTBQ+ community is really staggering to me, also I don’t feel safe with some of my Catholic friends I have. And seems like they kinda of hateful against anyone disagree with their political beliefs, or even religion sometimes
Now I don’t know what to do, either embracing agnosticism . Or just trapped in this religion forever,
I will appreciate for every advice or reply to me. I’m very happy that I find a place to post about issues I’m going through,
I’m not a Christian or an atheist, but I am a practicing Bahá’í. I’m not going to pretend my perspective is unbiased or definitely applicable to your situation; I offer it in the hope that you find it helpful, but I will not be offended in the least if you choose to disregard it 🙂
It’s a good sign that you’re troubled by the behavior of your fellow Catholics. You have a conscience and you know that they are disregarding Christ’s teachings for…what, really? A sense of fleeting satisfaction that comes from having an enemy they can try to feel superior to? True faith is not looking to other people for what to believe, but reading your scripture and learning the teachings of your religion for yourself. Jesus Christ preached love for all people, no matter what. You know this, and you know that the behavior of the other Catholics you know is in direct conflict with what they claim to believe, and that’s why you’re posting here.
Bahá’ís read their scriptures every day so that they can come to their own understanding of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings. I personally read scripture in the morning after I wake up, when my mind is still clear and I haven’t gone full tilt into the day yet; and at night before I go to bed, so that my subconscious can think about it while I’m asleep. Perhaps this is something you might want to do: read the Bible for yourself, critically and without preconceptions, and come to your own understanding of what Christianity means to you, so you may make your own informed decision on whether you want to stay a Catholic, or a Christian in general, based solely on your own conscience. You can stay Catholic and practice on your own, if that is what you want! What matters is that you find the way to practice your faith that feels right to you, and you find people that share your values.
Someone else in this thread mentioned Unitarian Universalism. Before I converted, I spent some time with my local UU congregation, and if you’re concerned about finding community, it might be good for you to meet your local congregation. Unitarian Universalism is not really an organized religion, but a community around a shared set of principles that include unity in diversity and the responsible search for truth and meaning. In my experience, though the services were quite…general, the sense of community and camaraderie that you would find in a church (or a mosque, or a temple…) was very much there. If you end up deciding to look for other places to go, a UU congregation is a good choice, at least from my experience.