I wanted sweets from the old days of big glass jars in the corner shop, so I bought aniseed balls and cola cubes online, because they are no where in my sleepy town.

I only briefly glanced at the weights and assumed they were about right, and in my giddy, pre sugared state I glossed over the price.

Imagine my surprise when I got a kilo of each.

I have eaten so many aniseed balls everything tastes like medicine, which I also quite like.

  • @not_woody_shaw
    43 days ago

    Although I agree that Fahrenheit is a better descriptor of the human experience of temperature, Celsius is pretty easy too. 25 is a nice day. 12 is half of that, so fairly cold. 4 is close to freezing, so it’s fuck-off cold, but not Canada-cold.

    • @ikidd
      13 days ago

      Well, it almost got to -40 for a couple nights this last week here. I’m considering using Kelvin so I feel warmer when I have to go outside.