Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday.

  • @theUwUhugger
    111 hours ago

    If the 100 meter dash was called tetranlon it would be bs! If the intelligence test were called pattern recognition test then it wouldn’t be bs!

    • @Windex007
      49 hours ago

      And what if I called a rose a stinkweed?

      I think it’s a completely valid criticism, and I agree with the critism.

      I just think semantic hang-ups are really… Exhausting and of minimal value. Terrible ratio.

      Extend the principle of charity, hurdle it, then get to the meat.

      • @theUwUhugger
        28 hours ago

        My issue is not with its name!

        The companies still are trying to sell IQ test off as objective measurement of intelligence and overwhelming measurement of the population believes it to be so!