Let’s get things started! 1990 Golf, CE1. It’s mainly OEM+ right now, but I have a 1.8t (AWW) with an 02j that will go in it eventually. We’ve had it for 6 years and it’s been a great car!
Let’s get things started! 1990 Golf, CE1. It’s mainly OEM+ right now, but I have a 1.8t (AWW) with an 02j that will go in it eventually. We’ve had it for 6 years and it’s been a great car!
I didn’t forget about you brother . I will make it to the fed ex store this week to get a price on shipping …work was crazy this week and I never made it to that side of town . I got them packaged and ready . I’ll be in touch soon . Hope you had a good weekend ✌️
No worries and no rush! Fedex should have an online estimator where you feed it the dimensions of the box, how much it weighs and the zip its going to and it should give you a cost. Might be worth looking into
I’m a cave man, your strange ways scare and confuse me …I only own a computer to rip Grateful Dead CD’s so I can put them on my Zune. I actually baught a second to run VCDS and needed help with that. Reddit and now Lemmy are the only social media I’ve ever been involved with.
I will have to stop in the FedEx store, it’s the only way that makes sense to my cro-mag brain 😅
Haha no worries. You just reminded me I still have my Zune tucked away in storage. I should dig it out and get it running again The great thing about VCDS is the MASSIVE community and a wealth of knowledge available on the ross-tech forum, so you should be able to get the hang of it without too much trouble!