The largest measles outbreak in decades has reached San Antonio and San Marcos. Officials say an individual who tested positive for the virus in West Texas traveled to two major universities and one of the nation's busiest tourist attractions — the San Antonio River Walk.
Not good.
I don’t care about the idiot parents, but the kids have no choice, a lot will suffer and some will die. All because their parents have believed a bunch of lies, no critical thinking was involved.
It is unfortunate.
It is horrible.
But, left to their own devices, they would not vaccinate their children and their children’s would not vaccinate their children. (presumably we’re already 2 layers deep now)
Consequences are necessary to keep humanity on the rails. If cousin Jimmy died of a preventable disease maybe the immediately family will get vaxed and keep a few others from passing.
The idiot parents are most likely vaccinated because their parents weren’t idiots
You are correct, that makes it all the more infuriating.