I have had playstation for a while, but aside from Petz, Rollercoaster tycoon, and the sims <4 I never had a pc that could handle games.

I was gifted a used custom gaming PC cuz the owner was getting a new one! I have an $80 steam gift card I’d love to spend on multiple pop culture classic games I’ve missed out on and can only enjoy on PC/Xbox… my favorite are 3rd person rpg with exploration as an important element in learning about the lore/story. Some sort of reward for exploring thar isn’t loot.

Games I loved Control Horizon zero dawn Persona 5/royal Those three are S tier life changing, think about forever types

Bishop trilogy (2 is best @me bro) P5 strikers Persona 4 golden Final fantasy, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15 Catherine Full Body Alan Wake Ni no Kuni2 The forgotten city Until dawn A plague tale 1 innocence TLOU1 Uncharted 1-3 Portal 1 & 2

Meh life is strange 1 TLOU2 Nier automata (ikr, wtf? )

Did not finish/Gave up Mass effect 1 (and thus none of the sequels) Little nightmares Fallout 4 Cyberpunk 2077 and not for glitch reasons Ghostwire

So far the only game I’m sure of is the fable series but I dont even know what version to get? It often gets confusing for older games for a newbie

  • @Contramuffin
    5 hours ago

    It’s a slow burn game. There is a plot, and the plot is really good, but it only becomes clear really late into the game. Instead of the plot, the primary driver of gameplay is learning. I see a lot of people approach the game as though the writings are just flavor text, or just a way to portray a clue to a puzzle. It’s really not. You’re supposed to seek out the writing because the writing itself scratches the itch of learning. The developers put an incredible amount of attention to the entire game, and paying close attention and thinking through the implications of the text will reveal the plot points and lore. Basically, you play for the knowledge, and then only later does it become clear that everything that you’ve been doing was actually advancing the plot. And you’d want to remember what you learned so that the plot makes sense

    All this to say, there is a wrong way to play the game, and that is to treat the game like nothing more than something to be completed. If you’re feeling a bit lost, yeah, that’s kind of the point. You decide which thread is most interesting to you. All I will say is that any thread that you pull will eventually converge onto the plot, so feel free to pursue another thread if you get stuck or if you get bored of the current thread that you’re pursuing.

    Also, remember that in space, there’s no friction, so however long it takes for you to speed up, that’s how long it takes for you to slow down.

    If you gave it a genuine shot and it really just doesn’t click with you, then perhaps just watch a Let’s Play. I think it does eventually click with most people, but I acknowledge that some people just don’t like the weight of making truly unguided decisions like the game is expecting you to make