From Center for Wildlife

When you are the smallest owl species found in the state of Maine, you have to do whatever you can to make yourself look big and scary when a potential predator comes lurking!

This Northern Saw-whet Owl was admitted to our Wildlife Medical Clinic after being caught by a cat. Northern Saw-whet Owls are our smallest owl species, only reaching 6-8 inches tall and on average, weighing in at just under 3 oz. Saw-whet owls particularly love dense coniferous forests where they can perch and hide amongst the thick foliage of our conifer trees while hunting for tiny rodents and hiding from predators.

Here, you can see this patient showing off a defensive display in attempts to look as big as possible. Many species will do this to try and at least give their would- be predator some hesitation before taking their chances on this small but mighty owl.

With the continued care of our Wildlife Medical Clinic team, we are hopeful this little owl will make a return to the wild in time for the annual breeding season!

  • Optional
    72 days ago

    “Hey! You wanna piece of this?! Hah?! Oh I got your big dog-snout sniffer right here buddy”