Hello everybody,
What is the company and corporation that is the object of your hate? What did/do they do to get that spot for you?
Mine is Facebook/Meta for their egregious data collection policies, psychological manipulation of its users, and more recently, them not seeding content.
Thanks in advance for your time! Have a good one!
A few off of the top of my list by name: Nestle, BP, American Airlines, Comcast, Facebook, Twitter, Scientology, BofA, GM, Perdue Pharma, Monteseno, VW, Pinkertons (Securitas), Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A.
Generally what should be common carrier, or for the people, but are normally for profit: ISPs, power co’s, water co’s, Health Insurance, Property Insurance for non-corporate entities.
Any “faith based” organization with a tax exempt status.
Your list is great. You need to add the big banks. Privatized profits, socialized losses. Cannot believe congress would bail out the too big to fail and not break them up and prosecute the executives. They need their own Luigis.
Excellent list
Thanks! I, and the only time I wouldn’t be ashamed to admit this, was inspired by Nixon. Its odd though, all of my “enemies” are corporations and not people.